too dark to walk

Posted by: Dotsie

too dark to walk - 10/02/08 02:36 PM

URG, it's staying dark in the mornings again, and I finally decided I'm not walking in the dark. It's not the same to me as being enveloped by the light and fresh air.

So, I've been off to the YMCA, which I really don't like because I like to exercise outside. How do you get your exercise outdoors this time of year?
Posted by: Cookie

Re: too dark to walk - 10/02/08 07:09 PM

I walk later in the day at this time of the year...around 8 or 9 A.M. Then as it gets colder, I usually bundle up and walk around noonish or so when it has warmed up some. I try to walk all year long. It is about the only exercise that I don't get bored with.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: too dark to walk - 10/02/08 07:14 PM

I can walk later, but the gals I walk with can't because they don't have any flexibility with their schedules. BUmmer.

Cookie, wish you lived closer!
Posted by: orchid

Re: too dark to walk - 10/02/08 07:44 PM

During colder seasons, I have to walk .to the commuter train station to get to work..then I get off bus ....(after transferring from train) to walk to workplace which is 15 min. It is dark when I start off but am safe.

If I'm not cycling at all on 1 day, I have to walk. And on work days that adds up to 1 hr. each day. Each walk segment in my commute is only 15 min. each.

And I have not included walking to do errands on super rainy or below freezing days.
Posted by: cyclinggal

Re: too dark to walk - 10/05/08 10:13 PM

Dotsie -- here in Arkansas it is still beautiful weather, but the mornings are quite cool. As a retired woman and cyclist, I do have flexibility to cycle later in the day as it warms up. But, as winter closes in, I have to make changes in my routine. Even in the late morning, early afternoon, it is still quite cold in the winter. So, I had to make a decision to continue to cycle during the winter. I have purchased cold-weather riding clothes, and often will ride with the temps in the 40's as long as it is dry and sunny. I have found that the more I do this, the more comfortable I become with it and have actually come to the point where I am glad I can get out there even when it is cold. For me, it is all about desire to be out there. I do understand those who do not want to exercise outside in the winter. I also go to the gym more frequently, and winter is prime hiking season here. So a good balance.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: too dark to walk - 10/05/08 10:22 PM

cyclinggal, I've actually hit the Y a few times and will continue to do so in the upcoming months. There was a time when I walked even when it was in the teens. I had a friend who was also a stay at home mom and we did so much to gether when the kids were in school. We lanned our days around our hour long walks and loved it. She moved away and left me to gain weight without her. HA! I need to find a walking partner who can also sneak out for a daylight walk in the late fall and winter.

I appreciate your desire to be outdoors. I feel the same way. Today was a gift. We probably walked about four miles. We arrived at Penn Station, walked all through Chelsea, over to Union Square and then down to Soho. It was great fun. The special treat was meeting our son in Union Square, having lunch with him, then walking to Soho and back. What a glorious day.

Wishing you many days of pleasure in the great outdoors!
Posted by: gims

Re: too dark to walk - 10/05/08 10:35 PM

Fall is finally easing in for us. I have been walking in the witching hours. The skies have been so clear since Ike. The air crisp, low humidity. All seems right with the world in the peace. The moon was absolutely gorgeous on my walk last night/this morn (no time marked). I walk in circles til the neighbors' dogs quit barking, then I take off for a walk in solitude. I was scared at first, but God has given me peace while out.