Passing of Sister-in-Law

Posted by: Eagle Heart

Passing of Sister-in-Law - 03/26/08 11:34 AM

We just got word that hubby's sister died early this morning. Dear hubby...this is the fourth sibling he's lost in recent years, plus a few cousins he grew up with, and my mother and brother who hubby was very close to. This sister was 85 and bedridden for the past year, but it's still sad. We're heading to the funeral so I won't be around for a few days. Please say a little prayer for us for a safe trip (it's a very long drive up north, especially in the winter).
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 03/26/08 12:05 PM

Included in my prayers...all of you
Mountain ash
Posted by: humlan

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 03/26/08 12:12 PM

Oh, Eagleheart..does it ever stop or take a break????

You and your family are in my will be guided on the roads, I am sure!!!! Take care and take it slow!!!

Lots of warm hugs in the cold and dark along the way..but you have your hubby and he has you..what a blessing!!!

`You know may be a lovely trip along the the winter..
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 03/26/08 01:17 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about this, Eagle. I know that your hubby will be comforted with you by his side. My thoughts are with you both; sending love, JJ
Posted by: humlan

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/07/08 03:20 PM

Hi, Eagleheart dear..I am wondering if you are back from your trip up north..I have been thinking of you alot..and not been able to check we all know.

I am sending my love and hugs to you...
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/07/08 05:04 PM

Thank you, Humlan, for your thinking of me! It was a long trip - 12 hours each way - but a gorgeous drive all along the St Lawrence River. It's the first time I've ever done the trip in winter, and wasn't looking forward to the icy roads, but we didn't hit any ice until the 10th hour, so ended up stopping at a motel overnight, even though we only had two more hours to go. When we got back on the road the next morning, we were so glad we stopped, because the roads for the next hour were VERY icy, and in fact, there had been a few accidents the night before. So we congratulated ourselves on our wisdom (ahem, he conveniently forgot that I had to beg him to stop).

Anyway, we got back home on Wednesday, and I couldn't believe how much snow had melted in a week - there are dozens of tiny shoots springing out of the ground, even though there are still snowbanks within inches of them! What inspiration that is, to see those little flowers diligently making their way through the snowbanks!

I missed this place glad we're back, both home, and HOME!
Posted by: humlan

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/07/08 05:33 PM

Eagleheart, I am so relieved to know that you are back home safely..and HOME here with us! It was very fortunate that your hubby listened to you and that YOU listened to your inner voice! You can never go wrong there, I find.

Your mentioning the flowers that are making their way up thru the snow and frozen ground, reminded me that I have to visit my lake again..the one where the vikings lived many many years ago. That place is a source of peace and strength for me..hmm.. and it´s beautiful..especially now before the bathers arrive in the summer. It´s fine then I am one of them..but it´s so special right it´s quiet serenity. But I can hear and feel the vikings around their campfires..drinking and dancing to the sound of their drums..Sometimes, I meet up with some lonely fisherman..usually Finnish in origin..and it´s so peaceful watching him from my rocks above him and the lake..with the sun going down..and the birds winging above..we just kind of nod to eachother..and leave eachother in peace. Lovely.

Lots of hugs, my friend..
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/07/08 05:57 PM

Eagle, glad to hear you are home safely. While the site was down, I was thinking of you and your latest loss. How is hubby managing?
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/07/08 06:02 PM

Eagle, I am sorry to hear about yet another loss for you and your dear husband. You know, I was thinking about 'us' last week. I likened myself(and you)to a bulb...planted firmly in the ground during the winter and as the sun begins to shine in the spring,we pop our heads up and come to life. I think I may have SAD. Didn't we discuss this way back?
Sorry to stray but I wanted you to know that I think about you often and I haven't been posting much to let you know.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/07/08 08:09 PM

Humlan, I love the way you can hear and feel the Vikings around your special lake area. I love when that happens...for me it happens at the summer camp I worked at for many years. I've been there when there's nobody else around, yet I can hear the laughter of children echoing through the air and the crackling of campfires all along the lakeshore. I remember sitting one afternoon on a tree stump in the woods where we used to hold church services every Sunday, closing my eyes and hearing sheer joy whispering through the trees. It was an awe-filled experience!

I haven't experienced that connection too many places - my brother (Gary) and I both experienced it when we went back to our family cottage after our Dad died...the air was full of history and every tree whispered its memories and it became too much to bear - neither one of us could ever go back, though God knows we wished we could...
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/07/08 08:15 PM

Dotsie, thanks for thinking of us. While this sister was 85 and had been bedridden for awhile, the proliferation of loss is hitting both of us. He's the youngest of 15, and there are only 4 siblings left...we just can't think about it or it becomes overwhelming.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/07/08 08:25 PM

Chick, I feel like a bulb that's been hibernating in the frozen ground for far too long! I felt the difference while we were in Cuba, soaking in the sunshine all day (though I was under an umbrella or wide-brimmed hat all the time). It really did lift my spirits.

I've suffered from SAD all my life, though undiagnosed until my 30's. Knowing what it is and preparing for it (eg, spending all of February in Cuba every year) seems to make it more manageable.

Chick, I always know you're "out there somewhere"; time and distance don't matter when we're heart-connected...and don't forget that I know firsthand just how big and loving Newfie hearts are...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/07/08 09:28 PM

Praying for you and your family as a whole. Return to us safe and soon.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Passing of Sister-in-Law - 04/08/08 05:28 PM

My Gosh, Eagleheart..the youngest of 15 and only 4 kind to yourself, Eagleheart. It´s not easy to maintain positiveness and "upp,upp feelings" in the face of all the sorrow you and your husband have had to face. Be kind to your body and soul..I know that the God/the Universe dear dear heart..I am with you every step of the my heart.