Pain medicine

Posted by: Dotsie

Pain medicine - 10/07/06 07:54 PM

Okay, I am getting desparate here. I'd love to know what you take for pain.

My surgery was Thursday a week ago and I am still in lots of pain. I gave up on the Percodan. I took 50 of them over a course of six days and honestly, was in pain the whole time. They did make me relax and able to sleep.

Then I tried Extra Strength Tylenol, two, every four hours and that gave me soem relief, but I couldn't sleep.

This morning, a friend stopped by and told me to take four Ibuprofin. That's what the doctor ordered for her when she had a minor knee surgery.

So I took four, passed out for an hour and a half, and have been crutching around and the pain seems better. However, I'm afraid to take another four.

What do you use when you are in pain that HELPS?
Posted by: Pam R.

Re: Pain medicine - 10/07/06 08:20 PM

Dotsie, I can take only a few things since my heart attack, but Advil is one of them. That's ibuprofin I think. I can only take 2. It is what I take for my almost constant back pain. It takes the edge off, but that is all. The one thing that does work is tylenol with codeine. Unfortnately, the doctors don't want me to get hooked so they won't give me anymore. However, for you...I would think you could take it until the knee pain is relieved. My back pain seems to be chronic and I am stalling getting an epidural injection for the past 9 months. It looks like I will have to give in soon.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Pain medicine - 10/07/06 08:55 PM

Right before and after my heart attack I was suffering excrutiating migranes. My doctor told me 3 advil and two tylenol as a combo. Seems one takes care of one kind of pain and the other another. It worked longer and better than the codine that was simply putting me in an unwanted fog.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pain medicine - 10/08/06 01:04 PM

Pam and Anno, thanks for sharing. I find it interesting that something different works for everyone.

I think I"m sticking with Ibuprofen. It seems to be what's worked best thus far.

Anno, I've never heard of that combo. Do you still have migraines?

Pam, by giving in, do you mean surgery?
Posted by: Anno

Re: Pain medicine - 10/08/06 01:20 PM

My migranes are a thing of the past. I have learned to manage my stress and deal with my day job in a better way.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Pain medicine - 10/08/06 08:59 PM

As a warning, I used to take Excedrin Extra Strength. It has caffeine in it so with a cup of coffee, it got me up and running in the morning. But, I began to wake up with horrible headaches and had to take more and more Excedrin. My sister said that it, in itself, will begin to create headaches so I had to wean myself off of it.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pain medicine - 10/09/06 03:12 PM

Anno, it's always good to hear when one can speak of migraines as a thing of the past. Good for you. It doesn't happen very often.

Anne, codeine has done nothing for me either.

Dianne, aren't sisters the best?
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Pain medicine - 10/09/06 07:45 PM

Yes, especially when they are a nurse! Codeine makes me vomit for some reason.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Pain medicine - 10/10/06 01:37 AM

Codeine makes me violently ill too. I don't take much medication at all, but for headaches I use Advil (or Motrin) - both are Ibuprofin. Dotsie, what does the doctor say about the long did she/he say to expect to be in such pain? Any relief in near sight? I'm keeping you in prayer and wishing I could be there to make you a good, soothing hot cup of tea...
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Pain medicine - 10/10/06 02:29 AM

I am so sorry to hear you are in pain. It breaks my heart because I know how living in constant pain affects you, not only physically, but emotionally. Maybe you remember my posts when I had the surgery on my ankle.
I wish I could suggest something that will offer immediate releif, but I can't. For me, asprin combined with tylenol and codeine along with prayer seemed to help most. The asprin helped the inflammation and the tylenol and the codeiene helped the perception of the pain.
But the truth is, I think being distracted was the best help of all. The times when Dan loaded me and the wheelchair in the car and pushed me around the local gift shop was almost my only painfree time.
I have been in pain from dozens of broken bones for about 20 yrs. and I survived it only by taking asprin, smiling, and keeping very busy.
I don't handle it as well now perhaps because I am not as busy and thus not as easily distracted. Or maybe it gets more difficult with age.
I know how painful this must be. I was in that cast for five months and in pain every day. Be careful of your back. The cast threw mine out which certainly didn't help.
I finally found relief in a complimentary medicine doctor (An M.D. who also practices alternative medicaine). He helped me tremendously with low light laser treatments and accupuncture. Maybe there is someone like that where you are. I feel sure the treatments speeded my healing. Have you mentioned the pain to your doctor. Maybe he has a solution.

The only help I can offer is prayer and you certainly have that. This breaks my heart.

I hope you can just sink into the love of us boomers and your friends and family and feel better.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pain medicine - 10/10/06 10:34 PM

smile, I have thought of you so much these past two weeks. I so remembered your days of pain. I've always thought of you as such an upbeat woman, so when you asked for prayer for your pain, I knew you needed it. Make sense?

My doctor just prescribed more of the rotten pain killers which I refuse to take. All they do is knock me out. I can't handle that feeling.

You are right about being distracted. These forums have been my saving grace. I've also had many visitors who have ehlped pass the time. Family and friends have definitely been the silver lining. Tomorrow night is Girl's Night Out. One of the gals sent an email saying they needed to bring the evening to my house. I can't wait.

Also, Ross and I just got back from what he calls DRIVING MISS DOTSIE. He packs me in the back seat of the car (I can't bend me knee due to the awful brace I have to wear. Plus it wouldn't bend yet anyway.) We drove to one of our favorite restaurants and got two salads with bread to go. We sat in the car and ate them. It's a glorius day and I loved getting out.

Thanks everyone for all your thoughts, words, and prayers.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Pain medicine - 10/11/06 02:10 AM

I'm just so glad to hear you sounding a little better. I'm sure it's the prayers and the fun too. Even with medication, pain can drag you down.

I was in terrible pain from my first 13 fractures at fifteen. I coped by staying terribly busy and having a wonderful time. I smiled a lot and it helped. Narcotics only made me goofy. Aspirin helped and I took it four times a day, but it caused me to bleed out twice so I had to stop.
All through my teens I was a cheerleader and danced on stage. The pain caused me to cry and throw up, but I kept doing it because I loved it and I loved the endorphin rush when I was onstage. It was one of few painfree times. I guess I learned to manage my own endorphins. But age makes all that impossible and I think pain changes at midlife too.

So since you can't dance, I say call that doctor back and get tough with him. Tell him you can't take that medicine and demand something else. Then keep raising cain until he gives you something that helps. Pain delays healing so you need some relief. Maybe you can sic Ross on him too.

I'm praying for you again tonigh and we're all sending love. Love can do anything.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pain medicine - 10/12/06 03:30 PM

Thanks smile. I spoke with my doctor about your concern about the Ibuprofen and my e.coli poisoning/diverticulitis just this past summer. He thinks I'll be fine, however he did prescribe Protonix for while I am taking all this Ibuprofen.

I also had a friend remind me of her Motrin toxicity. She became so sick that she had to go to the ER. The diagnosis was too much Motrin so I am being very careful. Life goes on in spite of the pain. Distraction helps tremendously!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Pain medicine - 10/13/06 03:34 AM

Dots, you sound a little stronger with each post. Keeping busy on the computer should help keep your mind off things and you need an outing once in a while too.

Glad the doctor is on top of the ibuprofen. I only wish I could take it. It helps so much. But no more bleeds for me.

When all this is over, you may need to go on a series of probiotics to restore the normal flora to your gut destroyed by antibiotics and steroids (both of which are almost always necessary in orthopedic surgery). We should talk more about that when you're past the worst. Doctors don't seem to know much about it, but I keep reading more about it. I did it and hopefully it helped avoid some of the problems.

Keep getting better. You are in my prayers.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pain medicine - 10/13/06 09:51 PM

Smile, thanks for your concern. Funny you should mention probiotics. I had Girls's Night here the other night. One of my friends is very into vitamins and supplements. SHe also mentioned probiotics. I must mention this to my doctor. Thanks.
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Pain medicine - 10/18/06 04:50 PM

Dotsie, how's the pain relief? I hope you're better able to manage it. Constant pain of any sort can really get you down. It's so frustrating to be out of control. I have spinal stenosis in my lower back. So, when the pain gets out of control I take Vicodin (hydrocodone.)

Your pain is probably due to a lot of swelling, so taking anti-inflammatories is probably your best bet. Advil, Motrin, they all work the same way. For Motrin, the doctor can prescribe 800 mg. I think that's like 4 regular Motrins from over the counter. Are you also using a combination of heat/cold on your knee? That should help bring the swelling down as well and relieve some of the pain.

Distraction is always a good pain reliever. It sounds like you have some wonderful caregivers who are helping you get through this. Don't be brave. Take them up on all offers to help. That's best for you.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pain medicine - 10/18/06 06:14 PM

Vicki, thanks. I am doing either 600 or 800 mgs of Ibuprofen every 5-6 hours. Yes, I am swollen and that's what makes it so hard to get my range of motion back. I got 91 degrees today, but with a little yelp. I work a couple hours, then ice. I'm getting ready to ice again son.

Do you have a moist heat pad for your lower back? If not, you must RUN right out and get one. Since I've been sleeping on my back and sitting around so much, my lower back has been aching. I have a moist heat pad on the bed and I fall asleep with it on. You have to hold the switch down for it to work. As I fall asleep, I must let go of the switch. It has been a life saver! I hope you have one.
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Pain medicine - 10/18/06 06:27 PM

I love my heating pad. Doesn't have a kill switch on it, but it does have a timer and turns itself off after a certain number of minutes.
Posted by: klmr13

Re: Pain medicine - 10/19/06 09:27 AM

As for the combo of Advil and Tylenol...I am always very careful and very conservative about what I take.

I don't think that we should combine medications unless so advised by a doctor. Always better to be safe than sorry! (Something my mother always told me!)
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Pain medicine - 10/19/06 11:40 AM

Kimr, you're very right about that. Drug interactions can be very serious.

Overmedicating is a big issue with over the counter products. Our liver was never meant to process medications yet we ask it to do so. It's hard on it.

Have you seen the commerical from Tylenol where the spokeperson says "I'd rather you don't take our product at all." They're talking about those who take too much. It's serious. Especially for Tylenol because it can cause your liver enzymes to rise. Not a good thing.

Always talk to your doctor. Especially if you're going to mix OTC and prescribed drugs. And, to be on the safe side, talk to your pharmacist too.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pain medicine - 10/19/06 01:52 PM

Vicki, oh good. I'm glad you have one. I like the way yours works better. Mine, I have to hold the switch down all the time.

I'm another one who is afraid to mix. I've been taking Ibuprofen and have thought it might help to take a Percocet at night to sleep, but I'm too afraid to do I keep seeing 12, then 1 something, then 2 something, etc. What do you do for droopy eyes?
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Pain medicine - 10/19/06 10:44 PM

It's hard to sleep when you're in pain. If you don't want to take a pain pill, you might want to consider Advil PM. It will help with the pain and let you relax and fall asleep. Those pain meds really don't help you go to sleep, they just numb you for awhile.

Take your Advil PM with a warm glass of milk, that should help you sleep too. :-)
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pain medicine - 10/21/06 02:41 PM

Vicki, Ross picked up some Tylenol PM last weekend. I was alraedy to try it when I sae that Benedryl was in it. That keeps me awake so I didn't take it. Of course we didn't relaize it until the box was opened so we have a bottle of Tylenol PM that we'll never use. Anyone want it?
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Pain medicine - 10/21/06 05:10 PM

You know, I didn't know that. I wonder what they use in the Advil PM?

You don't get sleepy when you take Benedryl? Wow. I thought everybody did.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Pain medicine - 10/22/06 01:55 AM

I don't think you need to fear taking percocet for pain. The anecdote for pain medication is pain. It's when you take it when you have no pain that you get high and some get hooked.

It's important that you get relief because the pain causes you to tense your muscles which constricts the blood vessels and slows healing.

When I told my doctor the pain was keeping me awake, he insisted I take the pain medication especially at night so my joint would heal. Of course, like you, it did not help at all at first, but later I was able to take it and get some much needed sleep.

You might try Aleve. It's a non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid) but don't take it too long because it has naproxen which causes depression. Ross might check the labels on the otc drugs around the tylenol p.m. Perhaps there are others you could take. Or better yet, ask the pharmacist.

I'm praying for you still.
Posted by: klmr13

Re: Pain medicine - 10/22/06 03:43 AM

Dotsie, are you feeling better now? I hadn't seen the post about your surgery...I hope you're well on the road to recovery! Best wishes...
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Pain medicine - 10/22/06 09:22 PM

Dotsie, Smilinize has made a good point that I had in my head but was too inarticulate to post. An example is this: my mother had a mastectomy, and refused to take any pain meds after. She was going to PT to gain use of her arm, but her PT had to be curtailed each session because she was in too much pain. My mother never did regain full use of her arm because she could not get past the pain into PT. Also, she went into a depression 1) related to having cancer and the loss of her breast 2) because she was in too much pain and could not get to sleep. Nowadays, she asks herself "What was I thinking?" in other words she feels she lengthened her healing time & recovery by being afraid to take the prescribed pain medicine. Dotsie, you are not prone to addiction. An addict is always looking to repeat the first euphoric high, which you do not experience on Percocet. You say you feel drugged, and you don't like it. That does not sound like someone who could start on a med for one reason (to reduce pain) and continue for another (to get high.) I think you are being so hard on yourself. I hope your pain subsides in one way or another very soon.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Pain medicine - 10/22/06 10:11 PM

SMILES....what were you saying about Tylenol PM? I have taken it sometimes when I can't sleep. Is this a bad thing? I have probably taken it twice in a month. EEEK?
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Pain medicine - 10/22/06 11:59 PM


It's just tylenol and benadryl. You can just take benadryl if you aren't having any discomfort.

Most of the OTC sleep meds are benadryl which shouldn't be a problem for occassional usage. Disclaimer...of course check with your physician before taking this or any other medication...


When I had shoulder problems the doctor gave me a mild sleeping pill. This really helped because pain meds usually make me feel bad and I don't sleep. You might check with your doctor.