Interdenominational Gathering

Posted by: Dotsie

Interdenominational Gathering - 11/13/02 11:57 PM

This week I stepped out and tried something new! I attended a "coed" group of people on their lunch breaks at a church in the center of town. The advertisement was for a "Mid-day Interlude". Since it was at a church I figured I was safe! Had the sign been on the marquee at the local
No-tell Motel I might not have tried it! I must say that the time was well spent. Approximately eight women, and one very self assured man sat around a table, ate lunch, and discussed some faith issues. People shared from the heart(you know I'm into that), and we learned from each other's experiences. The beauty of it was that no one was there to pass judgement on the other. Everyone listened carefully and took what worked for them and their faith challenges back to the working world with them. I highly recommend faith gatherings with strangers from other denominations. I am guessing we won't stay strangers for long and will hopefully end up being more accepting of each other's beliefs. What the heck, why not give it a try. If you live in the Baltimore area and are interested...shoot me an email. I'll gladly give you the details.