Has anyone read Beauty For Ashes

Posted by: DreamrKate

Has anyone read Beauty For Ashes - 06/30/04 09:15 AM

It was written by Joyce Meyers. She talks about changing her life; sort of a "phoenix" story. She rises to be a well-known evangelist/preacher coming from a life of abuse.

I'm only a few chapters into it but it's really good.

I was just curious. She backs everything with scripture and she talks about how she met her husband and how he was exactly what she needed but also how he had prayed for someone just like her to love. It's very touching.

Posted by: DonnaJ

Re: Has anyone read Beauty For Ashes - 06/30/04 04:59 PM

I just went to hear her a month or so ago in Cincinnati. She preached a very good sermon. My husband went with me (he's a pastor) and enjoyed the service as well. She has a very talented worship band with her now.

I'd gone with a girlfrield about a year ago to Columbus, OH and the crowd consisted mostly of women. This time it was different. A lot more men. It's encouraging!

I bought one of her books but haven't read it yet. Something like 'Me and my big mouth' (???). I told my husband I'd bought it for him. LOLOL!!

When I do get to read it, I'll post a review. Glad to hear about the one you're reading. Thanks!

Posted by: DreamrKate

Re: Has anyone read Beauty For Ashes - 07/01/04 09:58 AM

She's magnificent, well in my opinion. She's got the gift of being able to make the lessons/path/life simple for regular people.

She spoke here years ago, maybe 5 or 6, maybe even more, years ago. She has been blessed with a wonderful talent for teaching and making it simple. I think she's wonderful for people who are just starting out in their Christian walk and want to learn how they're supposed to apply it to their life.

I tried to explain it to my mother (who was raised in Catholic school) once, the difference between "being religious" and "being a Christian", one is simply following the rules, the other is trying to live your life as a shining example; not so much so you look at yourself like "oooo look at me, I'm so perfect" but more simple, conducting yourself in a manner that puts your best effort forward; if you're at work, do your job 120%; if you're driving, be considerate of other drivers; if you're walking your dog, don't leave a mess; just think about how your Father in Heaven sees you. Would you stand and say "Yes Father, I've done the very best I could, and it is well with my soul."

Like that. Anyway, the book is interesting and Scott and I are reading it in tandem.

Posted by: DonnaJ

Re: Has anyone read Beauty For Ashes - 07/01/04 08:27 PM

Amen, Kate! It's about a Relationship with Christ, not religion. The religions we participate in draw us into fellowship with other believers, but without the relationship with God, it's all just going through the motions. The Holy Spirit really brings us alive and into Communion with our Father. Whew! You didn't know I was going to preach, did ya? LOL!
