Hi ladies,

This isn't a serious problem, but an annoying one that is keeping me from work. And I can't afford to miss any.

My question is 2-part.

1. I have a cold that turned into laryngitis. I can't even whisper. Therefore, I have to miss work as my job requires me to talk all day. So my question is what do you do for laryngitis? Don't tell me to run to the store because my car is snowed in and I don't feel like scooping it out.

2. Do you have acid reflux? If so, what do you do for it?I also have erosive esophagitis (EE). Taking the right thing is very important. But I'm having trouble finding out what that is.

So...........with acid reflux and laryngitis.........I need HELP???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you, my new friends.

God's Little Pencil,

