This is interesting so I thought I'd share in case it can help any of you or your loved ones.

My husband has allergies and asthma. His asthma is basically allergy induced. His asthma had all but disappeared because he takes medicine for his allergies. So, if he isn't allergic, he doesn't have asthma.

Anyway, he has an inhaler in case he has problems with his asthma.

Lately he has been using his inhaler every night and again in the morning.

He went to the doctor expecting to get a nebulizer or more meds for his asthma, but this is what happened.

The doctor listened to what he had to say; when he had to use his ihnaler and the exact difficulties he was having.

He decided Ross has acid reflux and that is causing the asthma. All he has to do is take a Nexium type medicine and the asthma symptoms will disappear. Pretty cool huh?

Hope this helps someone!

[ March 05, 2006, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Dotsie ]