Hi Everyone,
I haven't posted in a century but thought I would take a second and say "hello". I sat and read a lot of the forum topics this morning. Haven't taken the time to visit in so long.

I have tennis elbow, so don't know how long I will last at the keyboard.

About two months ago I started going to a homeopath. It has turned out to be a good thing. I originally started going to her because of hot flashes, etc. But, at the first appt. I fell to pieces. She said my adrenals were exhausted. She said that when the adrenals are exhausted the thyroid tries to take over for the adrenals. So, she started remedies for hormones, nervous system, digestive system and thyroid. I didn't realize how emotionally depleted I was. It wasn't until I started doing stuff that I used to do that I realized the regimen she had me on was actually working. For about two years I have been going through one thing after another. Some things have been devastating, some hurtful, some just annoying, and others downright frustrating. I have always been the type of person who calls others to check on them. If you ask me to do something I will do my best to make it happen. But, I haven't had the emotional energy to call people, help other people, participate in this forum or any of that (I still probably won't be participating in the forums for a while until I am on an even keel with the remedies). But, I am making progress. For that I am thankful.

I want to thank you for praying for my granddaughter, Addison. Her skin graft went well and her little hand looks pretty good. More trauma for Mommy than baby, I think, except now Addison is very leery of doctors or anyone wearing a white jacket.

Anyways, I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I love and appreciate you all.