Well, I started out on this thread asking for help on what to do with my 41 year marriage.
I am glad to report that things are moving right along, and I will be filing a Legal Separation from my husband in the near future.
We've agreed with the draft of the Legal Separation, and my husband has agreed to see my attorney.
We will meet with her to go over the paperwork, and have new Wills drawn up.
I just want everyone out there to know that I finally realized that I am a strong person, and when the husband thought he was getting to me, I would just tell him I knew my legal rights, and he wasn't going to scare me anymore. I'd had it!!!!
I'm going to be just fine as far as being able to live with the settlement that I will receive.
I've decided to rent for a year, and then jump into looking at buying a house or a condo, or whatever.
Since I was married at the ripe old age of 18 and never out on my own, I need to get out there and find out what it's like to be on my own.
I've also lived in the country for 35 years, and I just don't know what it's going to be like to have neighbors around me. My nearest neighbor right now is five acres away.
I just want to thank all of you for you wonderful words and prayers. It worked!!!!
Will hope to be able to keep in touch a little better now that things have calmed down somewhat.
Also the husband is helping with getting my house ready for me to sell. He's been a big help, but I know it's because he wants to get this over an done with so he can get up to his place and start his new life.
Love to you all, and a big THANK YOU!!!