Baby Boomer“Anger”

Here I am, a Baby Boomer!
Defined as a member of a massive group
that influences the powers to be (ha!) ~
a group of women whose lives were shaped by
having our consciousness “raised”.
I have aged with courage, grace, and vitality
but have come to realize that our youth-oriented culture
tends to ignore women in their sixties
as lacking in power and barely visible.
Most women’s magazines stop counting
after one’s fifties ~ something like giving
“advice for the 20, 30, 40 or 50 year old.”
Why should a woman in her sixth decade feel less viable,
snapped back in time to the uncertainty of her purpose?

Once again I found myself searching, questioning,
seeking self-realization and validation.
I now understand that life’s journey has gifted me
with a treasure trove of experiences and awareness ~
my sleeping voice has been raised up
from complacency into consciousness!
I have become a woman reborn in the afternoon of her life,
discovering that my purpose is in the
“best of times”~ the present moment!

In this sixth decade of my life, I happily claim
my Baby Boomer status, and choose to leave behind the “Anger
having learned that the only person
who shouldn’t overlook me is ME!
I am proud to say that I LOVE the woman that I AM of Today!

Laurel D. Rund

Edited by Laurel D Rund (07/16/10 02:54 PM)
Laurel D. Rund

What might my life be like if I were to give in to the rhythm of my own ragged dance?