Work wise, I find myself so unmotivated and just plain burnt out. Problem is I'm self-employed, and business has slowed to a stop. I'm seriously thinking of retiring because the pressure to bring in the money is not fun any more. The frustration of working for nothing is getting under my skin. I was hoping after our long vacation that I'd feel more spark, but it just isn't the case.
On the other hand, I'm worried if Hubby and I can adjust to a much smaller income. Hubby is leaving the decision up to me. He's already retired, but of course enjoys the laurels of my additional income (when it comes in). Hmf, what to do?

I'm wondering if any of you had a problem with this decision? Has anyone ever regretted going into early retirement? Do you get bored? Do you wish you had more money to do more things? Do you lead a more active life when retired?

I sure would appreciate comments from my Boomer friends.