Some of these really got to me. I thought I'd list them. Can you add any?

The "Mullet." This was messy, messy hair on top and cut shorter, or kept straighter on the sides. It was really a nightmare in own opinion!

"Stripy Colour." The highlights that are DARK on a really blong woman or really LIGHT on a dark haired woman, causing a zebra effects, UG!

"The 80's Perm!" OMG, How BIG were those hair shapes??? They were huge and the long haired ones were like you were all hair! I did my first video during this time and they permed my hair when it was long, down my back. I ended up with the most crazy hair style to grow out I could have imagined! It was crazy! I grew it out as soon as I could and that was hard with a perm!

"White girls with corn rows!" Wow, that just does not work in my own opinion! The tightly woven braids on the head made those girls look really bad and not only that, a bit stupid. Only my opinion!

"Supersized BeeHives!" ARG! Just cartoonish and funny looking. Some got so big they were just silly! A beehive is already a strange look but they were taken to new heights, even adding something to support it under the "hive." Again ARG!!

"MoHawks." Spare me, spare me. Mohawks on girls, women, are really a nightmare to me. There was a time when they came back in style and actresses were making them popular again. I know it's a right of passage when some graduate high school but even that's hard to take!

"Crazy Crimping." Remember the long, big zigzaged hair? It was done with a crimping iron and it make hair stick out? It was really ugly. It had a short time in the sun until people realized it just could not be attractive!

These are just a few of my pet peeves in hair styles! LOL. I just can't believe what some women will do for attention!


"Question your privilege"