I'm sure this thread might open up some heated debate but honestly, I've learned this after years of working with battered women.

When I hear a victim start telling me that God will take care of her/him/marriage/abuse, it is a huge warning sign to me.

I've said it before here, when did God or Jesus become our Holy Errand Boys? Why are they expected to be the Righteous Repair Men?

The women pray before marrying these men, asking for God's wisdom and guidance and jump in head first, expecting to land on their feet after receiving clear indications that he's an abuser! Hello? I'm trying to answer your prayers but you aren't listening.

Then, after the abuse is full-blown, God is expected to step in and fix everything. And, when a woman starts telling me God is in charge, I usually tune her out at that point because I've learned she doesn't really want help, she just wants me as a sounding board. Her life is no longer her responsibility, but God's.

I've heard, "Jesus is my first husband." Well, if that's true, would he abuse you and would he approve of husband # 2 abusing you? "I'm submitting as I am with God." Well, when you reach the pearly gates and stand before God and tell him how you've thrown away your life on a loser, how will you feel? You could have used your life to be an instrument of God, serving others, and instead, you used it as an instrument of repeated abuse! Where is the glory in that?

I'll step down from my platform now! [Mad]