If you have a dream, do whatever it takes to pursue it. Whatever!

I want to be a fulltime writer. Lately, obligations and other responsibilities have kept me from following my dream. I have been moaning and groaning to self and riding the pity train.

Well, a friend just stopped me in the hall and said "Hey, come on down to my office and have a cookie." What better way to soothe the soul, eh?

She explained that her sister baked them and she had brought in a few dozen for a meeting here at work. I said "This are wonderful! She bakes them? What a great occupation and what fun!" She went on to say "Oh, she works full time next door at the government offices, and has three boys under the age of 12 too." Just when I was beginning to feel inadequate next to this diva, she added "Oh and she is 25 weeks pregnant too, but this time it's a girl."

I walked away saying "thank you Lord for showing me that I can do anything I want to do." I mean this girl is running a very successful business (come to find out after asking around) and works a full time job, raises three boys with hubby, and is pregnant. And I whine? She also lives in the next town so she has a long commute too. She gets up extra early to spend time with her boys, then makes deliveries, goes to work, runs home and does more mommy and wife stuff, then bakes...

No more whining from me...once again I say "Thank YOU LORD! [Razz]