The short version of how I decided to open my own fitness facility is that I am passionate in regards to women and health. I am an RN and I was certified in fitness about 7 years ago.

I taught fitness classes at my church for a few years. I saw the joy of women in my class when reaching their fitness and health goals. It totally energized me to see them succeed. It was then decided I wanted to do this as a career. I have always wanted to have my own business and it was natural for me to buy a Contours Express franchise and go for it! [Smile]

So here I am today, in business for about a year and a half. I can honestly say I have loved every minute of it! And I have the joy of meeting wonderful women like Gardenbloomer! [Big Grin]

It is a great blessing to be able to do what I love and empower others to succeed as well.

That's it in a nutshell.