As many of you know, last week was the 100th anniversary of the birth of Theodore Geisel, aka Dr. Suess. The Library had a celebration, and the woman in charge asked if I wanted to help. Since everyone helps with my programs, of course I said yes.

What I didn't find out until a few days before was that the event was being geared for pre-schoolers. I usually prefer not to work with small children, but by then I had committed. I volunteered to read Suess's book "One Fish, Two Fish."

The library staff made green eggs and ham for the kids to eat. They said parents could eat it too, but most of them skipped it. There was a big Happy Birthday Dr. Suess birthday cake. I had a big piece with icing (my favorite part.)

I read the story, and stayed for a while to talk with a few parents and kids. I did very well, considering.