Hey there everyone, I've been promoting my book that I co-wrote with Ronda Del Boccio on the NABBW Facebook page, but I guess I've not said anything about it here. OOPS!

It is called "Activate Your Breakthrough: 23 Entrepreneurial Success Principles for Baby Boomer Women Business Owners."

It's available at Amazon in a handy Kindle version.

This book is based on the coaching I used to offer Boomers who consulted with me on starting a business.

People used to pay me $100/an hour for my coaching services and I only quit because I got burnt out. It got to the point where I was coaching about people a day -- for an hour each.

Lots of stress to that much individual coaching -- at least for me.

So if you know anyone who might be interested, check it out. It's priced at a mere $2.99.

Here's a link to the Kindle version which is FREE if you are an Amazon Prime member.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.