It does appear that there are more interracial unions/marriages compared to a few decades ago. But still according to this study only 3% of all marriages and common-law unions in Canada, are interracial.

I believe it...people have lots of good friends..I think that's what we see out on the street, in malls and restaurants. But in terms of truly, living and sharing a life in its fullest daily, it's a different matter.

These are recent studies based on analyzing 2001 Canadian census data. Published by Statistics Canada, federal govn't agency that administers and collects census data nationally. We just had a census conducted in 2006. If you read, the last paragraph which summarizes this older study.

For interreligious marriages in Canada, a demographic profile. Of side interest.

have any of you dated or were married to another person outside of your racial group.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)