I was just reading the post about kindness and I wanted to share about a book I was given recently. Our marriage had been going through a period of strain and a good friend gave me the book "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. My first reaction was quite negative. While I thanked my friend for giving me the book, I was secretly hoping she would trip on the way out! Now, I don't have anything personally against Dr. Laura but usually she is a little grating to my nerves and I don't make it a habit to listen to her program. At that time, I had no intention of reading the book much less applying any of her ideas. I stuck the book on my nighstand with about 20 others and imagined it staying at the bottom of the pile till it disintegrated. One evening I picked the book up and plopped into bed, and since I was too lazy to return it to the pile, I decided to read the introduction. It had this quote "Men are only interested in two things: If I'm not horny, make me a sandwich." OH MY! I decided to read the book for a laugh. If this was the attitude that prevailed it was sure to be a hoot.

As it turns out, the book was most provocative. It ultimately gave me a new perspective. "As simple as it sounds, treating a husband well hinges on the Golden Rule" Wow, what a concept. So simple, yet so underused. "Try giving him some of what you'd like." I think this sums up the message, but I do recommend checking this book out. Some of the real life stories are very sad, some are even pathetic. But it gave me a new way to look at marriage and that in itself has been a blessing to both of us.