Okay all your single women out there, tell me

What is the one, most important SINGLE thing you feel you have gained from being SINGLE?

I'll get the ball rolling with my own.

For me, it has been what I've learned about myself. You're thinking, why didn't you know things about yourself before? Well, I put everyone else before ME. I have been single for 12+ years now, and so I do have a history with singleness. I am NOT an authority on being single. I AM an authority on me.

I found out that I can and do like being alone sometimes. Other times, I like having my friends and family surround me. But I discovered its okay to feel either way.

I discovered other hobbies that I now enjoy and didn't have time for previously (or so I thought) and have made numerous new friends. I do set limits with my time with friends and family, and have amazed myself at how sufficient I've become imitating Bob Vila...It seems the more I learn from either friends, books, or classes, the more eager I am to learn even more, or something totally new. I take trips to places I only dreamed of taking, and have been known to travel by myself. This is NOT to say you can't take trips if you are married. THIS IS ABOUT BEING SINGLE.

Do I ever get down? or Lonely? Sure I do. Don't you? Being married OR single doesn't guarantee you that your needs on a certain day or week or month, will be met. BUT...recognizing the reality of a situation and taking the focus off of yourself and placing it somewhere else, will certainly help put things in a new light. Whenever I feel myself getting down, I read a book, rent a movie, or volunteer at the Children's Advocacy Center. Think you got something to whine about, go to the CAC...

Someone mention in an earlier post that people who say they love being single are hiding some truths...that's generalizing to me. I think we should take people on a person-to-person basis. I also think some people ARE suited to being single. Like ME. Do I date? Occassionally. When I want to. Which isn't often. I do have a friend who is special. He lives out of town and let me tell ya, I love it that way. I guess what I am saying is that learning about what I like, what I don't like, what I want and don't want, is what being single has provided for me. IT MY HONEST LIFE. I love it.

not only that...I eat as much cholcolate as I want. No kidding.