I came here about 4 years ago, enmeshed in a very dysfuctional relationship that knocked the props out from under me. I rec'd some very straightforward advice, brutally honest at times, but it took me a long time to process what I had been thru.
I haven't dated now for over 4 years. During that time, divorced now 12 years, I had experienced one bad dating experience after another, each time pouring my all into it to make it work. After the last dating exp., instead of dusting myself off to meet another man, I went back to school to get my M.A. in Art. I worked 4 years on this, completing it last Spring. During that time, I also learned to be alone with myself. I actually now prefer it, and can't imagine accommodating the presence of a man in my space. At first, when I began to feel this way, I thought it must have been "sour grapes" at not having a loving relationship with a man. But, now, even having the opportunity to "date," I am reluctant to do so.
Does anyone else feel this way?