A couple weeks ago, we were out with our 22 year-old son for a multi-generational gathering at a restaurant/bar. Everyone was having a grand time when someone said something that got my attention.

A 20-something girl said, "That women (who was my age) is so flirting with your son."

So I quickly looked up to witness her chatting and laughing with him. He was laughing and talking with her just the same. She is happily married.

I did not see this as flirting. She was with sorta our crowd, she knew me, and was just carrying on with him.

Again, the 20-something girl said, "OMG, look at her. She's flirting with him."

Again, I didn't see it. Everyone was having fun together, all ages.

So, my question is, what's flirting?

I laugh and carry on, joke and compliment other men. I am happily maarried to the love of my life and both of us are comfortable around the other sex. That is how I viewed this gal.

So what's up with that? I certainly hope others don't think I'm flirting when I am just being myself with others.

I believe it's the intent in which you communicate. What do you think?

She obviously wasn't trying to pick hom up, but the younger generation thought so. It must the perspective from a younger generation who aren't quite yet so sure of themselves?

What do you think?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.