Tuesday past I brought a kitten from the barn to the house. She's a tiny little thing, probably eight weeks or younger, and too small to have been weaned. I've been watching her for a while and thought she was doing okay but then, she wasn't. I've been vetting on her...antibiotics, ear mite meds, de-wormer and she's getting stronger. She's a black/orange/gray calico with plenty of spunk, now at least, and in my lap on her back as I type.

I told Dave I'm getting her strong and well and then will find a home for her. Dave is thinking we'll keep her; he likes the way she brings down my blood pressure. My old cat friend, Zoe, died a couple of months ago and I've missed having a cat in my lap...hmmmm, there's a book title...

This little one hasn't told me her name yet but she will, in time. I told Dave her name was Weenie because she's a Halloween cat but he said nope, not her. So, we wait for her to tell us her name.