I HOPE this is a new topic, it may be in the food aspect. The foods prepared lovingly by our great grands, grands, and mamas are worth keeping the thread to- to pass along to our children. A place to archive them would be good. I go to allrecipes.com to see some of the Amish aspect food I grew up on. My Mom and Nana could make a meal out of next to nothing. I would love to see more in that light on here, and I hope that I haven't been remiss in checking in that light- I think it needs to be a dedicated site. We have to keep those traditions alive. We are such a blend of cultures, and that is wonderful- but there are recipes out there that speak to our souls, the things we grew up on that are really the spate of comfort food. I would love to see a post there for all those things that pique our tastebuds and hearken to home...and that is one of the things worth passing onto our children for sure! It may not be the healthiest thing but it is a GOOD thing!