I find these web site very usful to me. It has been a long fight along the road for me with my poor dear 93 year old mother . If you are a caregiver or need this information for yourself. I will place a not above then. Save them to you favorite files on you computer.

This is the Omubmans web site. You can find one in you state :www.ltcombudsman.org/static_pages/omudman.cfm

If you want a lawyer for you state or post a question on there forum. I have many a time:
or find a lawyer for you state.


This one in for Medicare and Medicaid: My daughter works for CMS. so we do have this site:


This is for the Hipaa law in which I had to call for my mother the privacy act for Medical Law. this is a very good site :


These have been very helpful to me and hope that you won't need them , but if so . I don't know what I would have done without them. If you have an elderly parent these sites will help.

I have one also that I use and love to find old school friends. www.classmates.com

This site is free . I you want to send a message they do ask you to join and I did . I have a lot of High School friends here in MD

Also. there is a spice company her that I work for at my Temp Job .

www.McCormick.com . They have a lot of food and cooking ideas on this site.

Just one more site:www.webmd.com This is a great site for illness or medication that you are taking.
I told you I am just full I site to check out.

Hope this helps .


[ October 24, 2004, 11:51 PM: Message edited by: Nancy50 ]