remember that tune?

and another one. and another one. and another one bites the dust....

okay gallows humor. we buried another one this week. we're up to either an even dozen or a baker's dozen this week ---I actually don't know because I actually refuse to count. That's since April 1. Remember our friend George, the Russian Orthadox Minister? He died first and has since been followed by wwwwwaaaaayyyyy too many friends and relatives.

I think I'm beyond caring. I'm simply numb. Too stressed. Too much to do. Too much overload. My 91 year old mother in law lives w/us and continues to decline. She needs to go visit her daughter for a while as she's been here for almost 2 years. She needs a break. I need a break. Dave needs a break. We're all going to break if we don't get one soon.

There's nothing anyone, other than Carol, the daughter, can do. The carrot in front of my nose is my mil going to Carols for a visit. Please pray that will be no later than the end of October.

Probably I shouldn't write about this in a public place. Just goes to show you how desperate I am and the situation is.