Sometimes life just rolls me up in a spitball and flings me around the universe until I splatter to earth a limp imitation of my previous self. Other times, life inflates me with wonderful warm air and I float above the clouds where everything is beautiful and I can see forever.

Of course while I‘m soaring, I have to be constantly vigilant for the missiles aimed at me from below and sometimes I crash, but the freedom of flight makes it all worthwhile.

I’ve enjoyed reading the posts on here for a while and tonight I’m soaring so I thought I would share.

I'm over half a century old which means unless I live to be more than a hundred, I'm either half dead or half alive (according to how you look at the glass I suppose). It’s not all bad though. In fact, most of the time it’s pretty terrific.

I've been married four times and divorced three. I've survived cancer and three major car accidents with more than 30 broken bones and multiple internal injuries (all have healed and I have almost no long term effects except post traumatic arthritis). I have four grandchildren with another on the way and my two daughters finished college and now are excellent mothers.

Each time I was divorced I dated a lot of men. I went out at least once a week and had an very active social life. I received several marriage proposals, but I didn’t accept. I didn't intend to remarry as I was pretty well adjusted to being single.

Recently, however, I met a different kind of man. And I met him online. It was a sort of local discussion site. We instant messaged for a couple of evenings. I needed advice on how to end a relationship and he had ended a similar relationship so he gave it.

We discovered that we both had tickets to an outdoor concert and were both going alone. We discussed meeting there and somehow we decided to meet for dinner first. It was not a date. Just two people going to the same place for the same concert.

I was not at all nervous, but I was looking forward to meeting him. When I drove into the parking lot of the restaurant he was standing outside on the lawn waiting for me. He knew me instantly and I knew him. He was just as handsome as I had expected and he said I was just as pretty as he had expected.

I got out of the car and walked toward him. He put out his hand to shake mine but I walked into his arms. He hugged me and it felt right. We talked through dinner then went to the concert.

The music at the concert was not great and it rained, but I had an umbrella so we snuggled under it. Somehow one of us wound up kissing the other (he says I kissed him and I tell him I know it was him kissing me because he's almost a foot taller than I am and I had an umbrella--not a ladder!! [Smile] Either way, from the moment our lips touched, we were smitten.

We sat my car and talked until they closed the park and from that night on we were inseparable. I took him to my church and told him how after my third divorce I had promised myself and God not to be sexually intimate outside marriage. He not only agreed, he said he believed the same and respected my decision.

One evening he planned a wonderfully romantic dinner at a fabulous restaurant. He had a guitarist play for us and in the candlelight he told me he loved me. I was not at all surprised. In fact, I realized that I had fallen in love with him also. After the restaurant closed we stood on the curb and talked. He asked me to marry him and without a thought I accepted.

On the way home, I asked, "Did you ask me to marry you?" He said, "Yes I did. Did you accept?" and I said, "Yes I did."

He said he had known all along that he wanted to marry me, but didn't really intend to ask so soon. I said I knew he would ask and wasn't sure what I would say. Maybe both of us just got carried away with the evening. But a week later, after praying together and telling only one other couple, we drove to another state and were married.

It was all so easy and it all just came together. We were married in the garden of a hotel and they threw in the honeymoon suite at no extra charge. We were nervous about being intimate immediately and went to dinner after. When we toasted our marriage, the whole restaurant applauded. After dinner we went back to the hotel and came together in love and passion.

Since that time, we’ve been through a lot. All kinds of joy and pain and even a death. But the two of us together are more wonderful every day. And every day we discover something more amazing about each other. I pray that we both continue to find more wonderful aspects of our life together and that we continue to experience the magic of love forever.