Oh, this is perfect for me. I've been wanting to whine all week but I couldn't think of anyone who cared to hear it. I am really frustrated with my husband. We just got back from vacationing at the lake where he acted more like an 80 year old man instead of 50. I am very active and he isn't. He did next to nothing all week but putter around the cottage a bit and then sit on his but to watch TV, read or sit around the campfire at night. Luckily my kids were there, and we went for walks, swam, tried wind-surfing, (really fun, BTW), played yeard games during the day and cards at night. Two of my kids are out of school and I have one left going through high school, so of course, they are more interested in hanging out with friends rather than mom. I suppose I should be grateful that we were actually able to have a vacation but I just really felt frustrated and lonely.