A month ago I received a call from my doctor that the insurance company no longer covers my anti-depressant. They would cover a generic of a different drug, however. I made the change since I can't afford the $475/month to cover the original drug and went through withdrawl of the old drug and adjustment to the new drug. (Against all medical best practice, I might add) All is finally better and I have not dug my fingernails into anyone's face in at least a week.

Today, I got a notice that they are no longer allowing two more of my drugs, drugs prescribed as a result of my heart attack two years ago.

Aside from the research that drug companies do (which, I am assuming are in our best interests in the long run) why are drugs so expensive that insurance companies won't cover them? Advertising? CEO's bank accounts? Others?

I wish I did not have to take drugs of any kind, but I do, at least for now.

Do I have a question here? Hmmmmm - No, just a fine whine, I guess.
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