Anyone out there been to Antalya, Turkey? Props to JJ for giving me good info on what and how to pack, since I have never been overseas. An upcoming trip is weighing heavily on me, especially now- you can take lipstick but not hand sanitizer in your purse, that is worrisome.I fly a lot statewise and am comfortable with that, but a solo flight overseas is worrying me some. I know that travel overseas is safer now that we are all apprised of the risks and the TSA is undertaking much broader screening, but I still have a lot of concerns. I guess it doesn't do well to put the worry ahead of the pleasure of the trip. DH is working overseas right now, in a sensitive place, and this trip means a lot to him (me too, but still trying to assuage the worries- we only manage to be together every 3 months, that is a total B****). All the requisite shots are being accomplished, and lists have been made to pack whatall - still fuming that makeup is banished to checkons, and the prospect of a 14 hr. flight without a freshen-up is daunting. If anyone has been to Turkey recently and has some info to share, I surely would appreciate it. We will be in Istanbul for 2 days then off to Antalya for several days. I know I shouldn't whine, this is an experience of a lifetime, but I am worried about the whole spectrum of the trip and would really appreciate any info from more worldly-wise folks out there. I guess I am too provincial to embrace the challenge! Give me some words of wisdom if you can! Thanks a bundle.