We got home last night after a wonderful trip. We spent a couple of fabulous days with our kids in NY, then on to Norfolk, VA, to Chuck's sister's wedding on Saturday. The wedding was lovely, and we managed to a have a good visit with both my s-i-l and her new husband as well as with all 3 of our neices, whom we hadn't seen in much too long.

On our way back we stopped in MD to visit with friends we hadn't seen in 20 years. Barbara was Matron of Honor at my wedding, and we talk occassionally but somehow haven't managed to get together before this. We're alredy making plans to see each other when they come up this way next fall.

I'm exhausted and up to my ears in laundry! But it was worth it. We also got to meet our son's new girlfriends and see a Broadway show.

I'll share more when I get out from under unpacking.