Recently after a 3 1/2 week long ministry/mission/trek to see family journey weaving in my SUV across the United States, I took a break at a little group of cabins in the mountains (yes, mountains!) of Oklahoma.

The cabins I stayed at were top notch, well-done, "high end" details that was more than what I expected.

The kids and I picked blackberries and just had fun walking through the woods and relaxing miles away from technology, fast food and fast-paced worlds.

The cabins are Peckerwood Knob Cabins (yeah, I know horrible name. lol) in Octavia, OK

The owners are two of the nicest people I have ever met, Ed and Patricia Rogers. Ed is actually a pastor at a surprisingly good sized church that apparently draws people from all over, Octavia Baptist Church.

Would definitely recommend these cabins for a romantic getaway or even a trip with kiddos.