i have noticed that whenever i get together with my family and extended family, i suffer from a family hangover. i don't drink much . . . maybe a glass or two of wine . . . but some of my family members drink a lot and it ends up eating away at me. worrying me. i can't sleep thinking about them.

other family members are just irritating, constantly expecting to be waited on, complaining, or acting out in some way.

the bottom line is that i do not enjoy hanging out with my family. i do not like their company, for the most part, especially when anyone is drinking more than moderately.

there are also side arguments going on most of the time . . . some people don't understand that on holidays they should be o their best, not worst behavior. the tiffs between people kind of poison the atmosphere.

i don't think anyone is as uncomfortable with it all as i am. i just notice a lot of dynamics that are occurring and i also notice some people over-indulging. they say, "it's christmas," and then pour another drink. i do not know when christmas became equated with drunkeness . . . of course i do not say anything, that would only make things worse.

i am not a partier and i do not like to hang out with partiers. and there are people in my family who just bug the crap out of me, whom i would prefer never to interact with, but feel i have to on big holidays and i suffer a lot from it afterwards.

i guess this is a whine. i mentioned it because there is such anticipation for christmas and then there is the reality of some people's holidays that are less than nurturing or enjoyable.
All shall
be well,
and all shall
be well,
and all manner
of thing
shall be well.

dame julian of norwich - 14th century - mystic