Have you heard about the poker craze that's sucking in youth across the nation?

The kids in our town are crazy about it. For my son's 16th birthday we gave him an official case of chips and cards. Some people think it's wrong because it's teaching them to gamble, but it sure as heck occupies their time. And they're sitting around our kitchen tables so we know where they are. [Wink]

One night my son went out with a hat and cataract sunglasses on because his friends could tell when he bluffed. [Eek!] It helped!

Most of the time they don't play for money, but occasionally they will on weekends. Five to ten dollar buy ins take a whole night. One night they were up 'til 2:00 until they had the final winner. The three remaining players slept here. The others had to be home by midnight because of their provisional license.

It's also huge on college campuses. Kids can find a game any time of the night or day. Cable offers The World Series of Poker. They watch and pick up strategies. They can practice on their computers. It's nuts.

I'm curious to hear what other women have to say about it. I'm sure it may turn some kids to gambling. My son has mentioned that he thinks some kids could get addicted. That's scary. [Frown]

By the way, I'm getting better at Texas Hold 'Em. My son is tutoring me for the Poker night at Pop-Pop's house this weekend. Since the grandkids in their twenty's play too we decided it was a good reason for the family to get together. I'll let you know how it goes.

Please let me hear your thoughts. Am I a rotten mother?