It can be a cold cruel world, but I've always chosen not to focus on that.

Last night reality hit us smack in the face when our son called us from the front of the house and said he was okay, but the police wanted to talk to us.

My sixteen year old son and his friend were robbed one block from our home. [Mad] Four guys with ski masks, hoodies, and two GUNS robbed them of their $20.00, license, credit card, and two skate boards. [Frown] Pathetic, huh?

When I called this morning to see if they had been caught, the officer shared they were still on the run...AND they were the same suspects involved in robberies north and east of us. [Mad]

Every day I pray the Prayer of Jabez for my family. I'm convinced God answered my prayer last night by Keeping His hand on my son and keeping him from evil.

I always wonder what might have happened had I not prayed.