I had a modified radical mestectomy Oct 1, 2002 followed by chemo and radiation. I am having terrible pain under the arm where I had the mestectomy and swelling, passing out, and pressure behind my left ear. I see my medical oncologist this Wed. and I am sure he will say I need to see my breast surgeon and/or run tests. We just had an insurance change the first of this year, and we are afraid of what may happen. I want to wait a few more months, and my husband says NO!

Other than that my fatigue level has been such that I can hardly get up out of my recliner or the bed. We did go to TX for 2 weeks at Christmas, and my whole family caught something, the cruds for a lack of a better word, two days after Christmas. Long but peaceful Christmas.

I am worse than I was at the start, and have been to my medical doc, which I guess I am going to have to go back soon.

I do not mean to cry on your shoulders and be a mess, but that is why I haven't been around. I will probably not be back on for quite a while, unless I have an update, or the fatigue gets better.

In advance, let me thank you for your well wishes and prayers! See! I already know what kind of women you all are! Great compasionate women!

I got my disability on myopothy, which they cannot figure out what is causing my problems, and fatigue! Yeap! I gotta be weird! LOL

Here is hoping this finds you all well and doing great! I think of you all often!
