I know its been a long time..sorry....things have been a little stressful for me. Please pray my husband finds another job soon!!! We cannot make it on my salary alone. I'm concerned about how we're going to pay the bills next month. I keep trying to trust and Let Go and Let God.. but its easier said than done!!!
Just a recap.. my husband suffers from Bipolar disorder. He is on meds and is doing fairly well but when his other job stopped it put him in a funk so to speak. He doesn't know what to do next. He does handyman type work but really doesn't want to do that anymore. what next??? Its really hard!!!! Please pray for us.
I have been soooo busy. I'm teaching the NAMI Family-to-Family class on Wed. nights. Its going very well!!! I learn more and more everytime. My thoughts are with you all as well. take care..