I have a hard time interpretting the Bible and was lost until I bought a copy that includes interpretation along the bottom of every page.

During my prayer time I started re-writing the Psalms in my words so I could realize the power within the words. Today I hit Psalm 23 which is one that many of us may have had to memorize along the way. It's the one that's always recited at funerals.

I want to share this with you because the promises it holds are miraculous.

With you by my side
I need nothing more.
You allow me rest.
Your comfort sustains me.
You restore me and guide me on your path.

When I'm frightened
I think of you
and you take away the panic.
You are always available
to give me your strength.

You're preparing a room
for me
in heaven.
You shower me with abundant blessings.
I hold the promise that
will follow me
every single day
until I leave this place
and come home to
live with you forever.

Bless you!

[ February 24, 2005, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Dotsie ]