I got a really neat birdfeeder for Xmas. Ran out the next day and got birdseed, and hung it in a tree in the back yard, where I'd be able to enjoy watching the birds from my back porch.
Well obviously I either bought some kind of seed (I just bought a bag of wild bird seed) that the birds don't like, or else I've hung it in a place they don't want to visit, or something. The birdfeeder's been hanging there since the day after Xmas and it doesn't look like anything has gone near the seed......the tube is still full. If it matters it's in an avocado tree I have in my back yard.
Anybody got any hints on how to attract birds to a new birdfeeder when you put it out.....is there something I need to know? I figured put seed in it, hang it in a tree, and the birds would show up......it's not happening.
Any help would be appreciated!!