I've taken a year or so break from writing much, and now I can't seem to stop my pen.

Anno, I hold you personally responsible. I think you gave me the shot in the arm I needed to get off my keister and start writing again. Oh, I do a column here and there, and of course I have my regular "gigs," but I have a book 3/4's way finished and there's stuff growing on it...can words mold? Anyway, I'm not committing to the daily blog like you have, Anno, but I am active once again.

After learning that blog entries are considered published, I'm careful not to use anything I might want published somewhere else for full price.......but aside from that, I'm having a ball. If it wasn't for the fact that I need to be dusting, cleaning, washing, changing sheets, eating, (oh yeah, like I miss meals) and other stuff, I'd probably be writing the longest blog on earth.

I feel the passion again! Wuhoo! I almost want to shout........I'M BACCCCCK!