Wasn't sure if posting this in GF's or Travel would be best. SO GF's it is.
I have been involved with a transplant support website for a couple years. It's based in another country. A few months back one of the other members and I realized we were both from the same state. About 4 hours apart. Both had our Transplants on Thanskgiving day, 2 years apart. Guess WHAT? We are meeting at a half way point to get to know each other personally and spending the night. Our husbands idea.
It will be so wonderful for us to be able to really visit one on one. We'll have so many topics to cover, no doubt one night will seem like the trip is too short. Alas, we've already got another meeting in the works due to her already having plans to be near my area later in the summer. We're both highly excited!
Q~Ball aka Q~Ball101