This is the appropriate heading to post this in, I do believe. [Eek!] [Frown]

I wrote this true story for a contest called “Unhappy Childhood.” I attempted to write it through the many tears that ran down my face as I recalled these times. Writing this story was supposed to be therapeutic but instead I think I need a therapist to help me unravel all that has happened (BTW- I laughed out loud instead of crying just then)

I was sad that I have such a story to enter into a contest like this. Sadder when it won a ribbon. Even sadder that since I wrote it (one of many) those memories are resurfacing and interrupting my sanity…sorta stealing my joy but suppressing them has done no good. They have to be released in one way or another I guess but my goodness how these hurt.

The explicit words used in this story are quotes demonstrative of the verbal, emotional and “you name it” kind of abuse endured.