I had my GYN appt. last Friday to discuss bio-identical hormones and my dr was very receptive to it. Even though the MD/DO community doesn't accept it yet, he thinks that in a couple of years, they will all act like they invented the entire concept. He said his office has about 12 women on it and it's working very well.

He suggested that I go to a website called www.salivatest.com and get tested for Progesterone, Estradios and Testosterone to start. The saliva test gives more information than a blood test and they are not readily available at your local laboratory. They send the kit to you, you send it back after following instructions and they then send you the results.

I haven't decided how I will get the actual hormones. I can either use a local compounding pharmacy or I can order them on line. There are several sites that I have not investigated yet, but I can call and talk to a human and get the information I need to order.

I've been on birth control since I was 45 to control some symptoms, but it stopped doing the trick. I have been off them for about 2 weeks and my symptons are now horrible! You need to be off any type of hormone to have accurate test results. I can't wait to feel like myself again!

Has anyone else tried bio-identicals?
