This morning I was awaken by the telephone and it was a friend from California saying she was sorry for not calling me lately but that her sister that had cancer, died a couple months ago.

Then she began to weep saying and now her husband was in hospital with Leukemia. The last fire in CA. nearly took her home but it was saved, scorched and damaged but not gone.

The reason I tell you this is because I was feeling sorry for myself due to a minor female condition I have been wrestling with that doesn't seem to want to go away. Last night I was angry and stomping around like a big baby. Right now I am thanking God and apologizing profusely to Him for my lack of appreciation for all I do have, health wise etc.

I am counting my blessing one by one, and to hell with my condition, it too shall pass.

The moral of this story is: No matter how bad off we may think we are, someone else would pray to be where we are and have our life...
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