Things are not going well. The Congested Heart Failure (CHF) is getting worse. His heart is operating at only 15% capacity. He will feel well for a week or so, then down hill, and doc changes medications. Was feeling really good last week, then over the weekend had heartburn like pain, doc says its a side affect of medications, so prescribed another two (2) of which make him dizzy, tired and appetite loss.

Mom says he's afraid to be alone, thus difficult for her to shop and take care of house. When she goes out to run errands, he will call her every 15 minutes and ask where she is. He's having trouble remembering, so she goes w/ him to all appointments. He's afraid, she's afraid that he's afraid, making her very afraid.

We don't want to lose him. We've never been close, so I don't know how to help, and when I do it only angers Mom.

Seems that each medicine prescribed will either work for a while or he will experience nearly every side effect warning.

Told Mom (again) that he needs to retire, she gets angry at me stating he won't, he'd die if he retired. Yet, he can't get around and forgets where he is. The last episode he was in FL on business and in hospital for 8 days. Mom says he'll be fine, then tells me tonight he might have 6 months all in the same conversation.

I don't know how to comfort my mother. We've never been close, she's never been supportive of me, and likes it when I suffer. Also, she never protected from child sexual abuse (2 uncles). So, I don't know how to comfort her b/c I was never comforted as a child.

I don't know what to do.

I know my step-father is very afraid, yet trying to be brave. Mom has to help him walk. She can't afford to finacially retire. Yet, will take early Social Security to help financially.

He's afraid of dying, feels physically and emotionally disoriented. Has begun attending church again, another fear reaction.

Gawd, I just feel awful knowing what his mental thoughts are and that I can't help.

Is there a forum somewhere to ask about CHF?

What can I do?

As I type this, I may ask Mom if she wants me to come to the house and clean while she shops, thus I can keep an eye on step-father. Or, if she gives me a list, I can do her shopping/errands while she sits w/ him.

I'm just lost, sitting here and useless b/c I can't and don't know how else to help.

I don't want to lose my step-father, none of us do.