well one way or another i worked in the field of addiction last 13 yrs or so...i worked with street homless drinkers, addicts in earlie recoverie and the parents of addicts. i am a big fan of peer support..
oppsss feel like i am writting a CV for a job heer.

Anyway earlie evening...addicts getting together for a group work...fine two of them have verbal (been snipping at each other over some weeks) last week the older one in his forties kicked the younger one in his 20's i didnt notice...so tonight their quitly being hostile to each other...the younger one goes into kitchen the older one follows and threatens to brake legs of younger one...but goes back into room to drink his tea....another bright male worker sane sencible, thinks its good idea to confrunt him and that they have a face to face chat about it then and their...luckie enough i see this and get into kitchen quick. Stop other worker getting older one back into the kitchen. take younger one outside for a cigarete calle the other worker we both take him home...
Thats my solusion to the situasion, in its intensitie and imidiate responces is to seperate the two warring factors before they get violent and stop a face to face "now lets be nice and civilized" and talk about it. Normalie i am all for this but when its so close to being violent its not the brightest of ideas...Afterwards ie tommorow the older man can be talked too but not tonight and not him facing younger lad.....So i am driving back after droping young lad home, with other sane sensible worker....We chatting about it putting our diffrent views across he finalie sees why its not wise for them to go face to face tonight and WHAT i was doing, he's shaken up at this point and chain smoking....he hadn't relized i was taking young lad home to make sure they weer seperated therfore no chances of violences...
yea i have experinces and i am cool when all hell brakes loss thats my nature. It clicked over and above thes things i am a woman so think diffrentlie...sometimes outside a mindset brings a diffrent solution men at times are full of pride and not lossing face....Our diffrences in attitudes and ways of being in the world sometime brings advantiges...IS THAT WHY HE WAS SO AMAZED AT WHAT A BRIGHT IDEA I HAD ...

i just needed to chat and 3 hours later i get or relize i have the adreniline rush going on, (its calming) but onlie after i talked the other worker with me down and back to being calm....its this typical of women or is it being a mummie.

whats your way of dealing with males being aggresive and about to be violent..?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn