I found a bible at a yard sale about two months ago. When I opened it in the car, there was a very old newspaper clipping of the following poem. I forgot about it and found it yesterday when I was tidying up my car. I thought I'd share it with all of you.
I am thinking it might have been written by someone in Tulsa. I cannot find any info on the author's name. Enjoy.

Quiet moments

I cried this morning; how I cried:
And why I didn't seem to know;
So I just turned my face to God,
And soon my tears had ceased to flow.

Another new day He'd given to me,
To do His will instead of mine---
I felt so humble; Hope drowned despair,
And calm serenity made my eyes shine.

How can we let down for even an hour.
For some are less fortunate somewhere;
I'm only an instrument in God's hands,
I must show them how much I care!

Mildred Lee Klan
