started to sing a Beatles song. After all, it was the Beatles that upstaged Elvis in the last life. And thus the boomer conflict rises: would the boomer chicks be loyal to Elvis the King, or would the chicks go embrace the Fab Four ? Princess Lenora, her tiera askew from the recent travels via helicopter over the Rockies, stepped from the Hawaiian surf to see that her thong bikini was askew too. No matter, this caused her long lost love Sir Paul to rise from the sand to greet PL as she spread her blanket for two on the sand. So, one boomer sister made her choice to hum with Paul McCartney: "All You Need is Love." At the cabana, the other boomer chicks were dancing as Elvis sang "Suspicion" while swaying in his glittered and sequined jumpsuit, covered with sand. Lola, the yankee was trying to negotiate a truce between the Elvis of the USA and the mop heads of the UK. She negotiated using the same tactics as when strategizing with her 3 grand kids. Meanwhile, PL aka Lynnie was torn between singing "She Loves You, yeah yeah yea" with Sir Paul and dancing with the Elvis groupies. Open to suggestions, one of the boomer chicks told PL aka Lynnie...

Edited by Lynnie (12/31/06 07:23 PM)