I guess I have less faith in the court system than others. I don't want to worry you, but some of the things that you have described might not get to the judge. If your husband has not yet been convicted of a crime, that issue may not be admissible in the divorce. And if he has, it still may be inadmissible according to what state your divorce is in.

His perversions are obvious reasons in the mind of any normal person to award every penny the man ever had or ever will have to you. But, just as the court's stalling your divorce for a year from a man who is such an obvious jerk makes no sense, neither does many of the court's decisions.
I hope you are making sure your attorney has all the evidence he needs to win the case, that he has organized all the paperwork with all the i's dotted and the t's crossed and will go forward on the designated day. Try to insist that he gets your whole case heard and decided the that day if possible. And make sure he knows you are not interested in mediation. Seems like judges often wimp out to that instead of making decisions.
I hope you have a good trustworthy attorney (if there is such a thing.) They often stall and complicate things in order to inflate their fees. The longer the case goes on, the more money they make. And they can get you in such a mess, it's impossible to get out without paying them more.
I need prayer for being prejudiced, but being married to an attorney and hearing them talk made me so distrustful of that whole profession. I will pray for you to be filled with peace between now and then and for justice on the day you go court.


[ January 04, 2006, 11:01 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]