Remember how I and several women took our pets to the Nursing Home and also had game night and parties and special contests for painting and even poetry writing and treats (goodies) night?

All went well for several years and everyone was thrilled until the new Administration came onto the scene. A rather youngish 40 something that stopped everything cold, dead in there tracks and we ladies were warned to stay away. WELL, low and behold, GOD stepped in, plus the familys of many of the residents demanding she reinstate our visits or they would be removing their loved ones to more thoughtful establishments.

I just got off the phone with Leslie as she asked me to call her, and she asked me if we might be interested in once again visiting the residents and offering the entertainment they so badly need.

She didn't tell me the real scoop, she just said SHE had been thinking and felt it did no harm. I said I would call her back within the hour with an answer. I called my nurse friend over there first and she gave me the real dirt, that the children of the residents threatened to remove their parents and write letters to the owners of the home.

I could have made her sweat but thats not me, so I called her back and we're in. Dec. 19th will be our big Christmas party and theres so much to do but I am so excited for the residents. I will be baking after all and shopping for gifts for everyone with three other friends. The community is so generous and always donates so many nice things.

I plan to give her credit for the party and having us back, I would rather have her as a friend and let the spotlight shine on her, she needs to be well thought of for her job. Me, I am just thrilled to be able to once again make the seniors smile their big child like smiles.....

Okay Hannelore I chopped this up, is it easier to read this way?
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